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  • jenniferakridge971

What does your team mean to you?

Now, I know this is suppose to be a training log. But I do want to tell you what my team means to me. About 2 1/2 years ago a friend of mine asked if I wanted to check out the strongman comp at the midstate fair, and I said of course! Oh man! it was impressive. It was probably close to 100 degrees and men and women were lifting crazy and having a blast. I was hooked. Fast forward to Night of the Living Deadlift 10/17. I wasn’t at a powerlifting gym and was just playing around with SBD previously. That’s when I pulled my first and very ugly would have gotten 3 red lights 300 lb deadlift.

The energy at that local community event was intoxicating. That’s when I met Andrew and Ruth. Andrew asked if I wanted to part of SLOSTRONG, I said sure but I want to compete at the fair. “You gotta do some powerlifting meets first.” And that’s what I did. Now, I wasn’t part of the team just yet. I competed in 2 meets before I started training at the Barn (Andrew‘s back yard). Now I’m not gonna lie. Walking into a powerlifting/strongman gym was super intimidating for this newbie lifter. These people were tight. They all knew each other. I walked through my anxiety of lifting in front of them. They welcomed me, and offered great suggestions. Spotted me and helped me out. I started training there on a semi regular basis and started to feel like I belonged amongst these crazies. I signed up for my first strongman comp and they helped get me ready for that!

After that another meet and then, the fair!!! I made it!! Or did I?

I honestly started out doing this for fun, never thinking I would get at far as I have. And really, it’s because I have such an amazing team behind me. I drive 40 mins 4xs a week to train with my team. I have to. They are what keeps me focused. If I’m having a good day or a bad day. It doesn’t matter. when I feel like hiding under the covers I don’t. They are counting on me to show up and train. We train as a team. It doesn’t matter that I’m a female. It doesn’t matter my age or any of the outside stuff. I walk in and we train. We are 19 days out from competing in the biggest comp I’ve ever done to date the XPC world championships at The Arnold Sports Fest in Columbus, OH. And really I have to give it up to my team. Andrew, Pete, Sophina, Jake C, Jake D, Howard, Mark, Brandi, Alyse, Stephanie (for keeping my macros in check), and if I haven’t named you I apologize just know that I’m grateful to you as well. And my family for dealing with me while on prep 🤣🤣 If you made it this far thank you lol I’m feeling a bit emotional and just wanted to share my gratitude. I promise the next one will be a training log.

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